AFK Arena Mauler Heroes

With the AFK Arena featuring multiple Heroes factions, Mauler has always been the strongest, particularly against the Wilders. I’m here to help you figure out which of the 16 playable powerful heroes in this category is likely to develop a solid team and prove to be effective for you. In the game you may run along with three types of Mauler heroes: They are all recognized to deal with raw damage because of their mighty strength and primitive nature. Most of them are aggressive to outsiders, claiming that only the strongest thrive. They are often considered practical and supportive. Also Read | AFK Arena Blighted Highlights Walkthrough Now you know why the AFK Arena Mauler heroes are highly efficient let’s see which five will bring you a mega +25% attack, +25% HP bonuses.

Finest AFK Arena Mauler Heroes

Below is the table listing the best AFK Arena Mauler heroes each with description, class, type, etc. Also Read | What Is The Best Team Formation In AFK Arena 2021?

Back-Up Heroes

What if you can’t catch all of the five heroes described in the above list? In those situations, you need to set aside certainly feasible alternatives. Again, for your convenience we are offering you some of the back-up options here: Also Read | AFK Arena Team Building Tier List That’s all we had in store for you. Until next time check our other AFK Arena guides that might help you conquer the game.