LOTR Rise To War Commanders Tier List – 2022

LOTR Rise of War has Good commanders and Evil commanders, and as the name suggests, good commanders are the ones that will lead your team, while bad commanders will be against you in PvE mode. Here is a tier list ranking all the good and bad commanders in LOTR Rise to war.

LOTR Rise To War Good Commanders Tier List

All the good commanders are divided into S, A, and B, with S being the strongest and B being the weakest.

S Tier Good Commanders In LOTR Rise To War

Haldir Faramir Ori Dwalin Eowyn Aragorn Hirgon Gimli

A Tier Good Commanders In LOTR Rise To War

Legolas Merry and Pippin Boromir Frodo and Sam Eomer Denethor II Elrond Balin Arwen

B Tier Good Commanders In LOTR Rise To War

Gandalf the White Gandalf the Grey Galadriel Dain Ironfoot

LOTR Rise To War Evil Commanders Tier List

All the evil commanders are divided into three tiers: S, A, and B, with S being the strongest and B being the weakest.

S Tier Evil Commanders In LOTR Rise To War

Khaldoon Saruman the White Gorbag (Captain of Minas Morgul) Grishnakh

A Tier Evil Commanders In LOTR Rise To War

Sharku Agzok Maltok Ugthak

B Tier Evil Commanders in LOTR Rise To War

Grima Wormtongue Khamul Yusraa

This was the complete tier list ranking all the good and evil commanders in LOTR Rise to war. That’s all for this one, do check out our article to know all about all the factions in LOTR Rise to War.