Best Rush Royale Deck List – 2022

To be honest, the belief that only legendary cards get the most wins and trophies in the game is completely false. They are powerful, but there are other cards in the game that are equally useful when included in a deck. Let’s go over these cards.


The incredible DPS power of an Engineer makes it the best card in the game. It is an Epic card that can be obtained with 900 trophies from Trophy Road. An engineer can be used in the 1250 – 2500 trophy range. Engineer Details:

Unit Type – Damage Target – First Damage – 170 Attack Interval – 0.66 sec Damage Increase – 5%

Engineer Mana Power-up Damage:

Level 2 – 220 Level 3 – 270 Level 4 – 320 Max –  370

Engineer Mana Power-up Damage Increase:

Level 2 – 9% Level 3 – 13% Level 4 – 17% Max – 21%

If you play in a 5 or higher arena, this is a must-have card for building the best Rush Royale deck.

Plague Doctor

Another strong epic card that is better known for dealing monster damage. It can be unlocked with 1850 trophies and is perfect for PVP modes. The card is not suitable for coop fights. This area of damage card poisons monsters that walk past him.

Plague Doctor Details:

Unit Type – Debuff Target – First Activation Invertal – 4.96 sec Trap Damage – 130 Trap Duration – 3 sec

Plague Doctor Mana Power-up Trap Damage:

Level 2 – 230 Level 3 – 330 Level 4 – 430 Max – 530

Plague Doctor Mana Power-up Trap Duration:

Level 2 – 3.3 sec Level 3 – 3.6 sec Level 4 – 3.9 sec Max – 4.2 sec

If you are a PVP player then you can include this card in your deck.


Bombardier provides assistance throughout the game and can be unlocked with 1650 trophies. In coop mode, he is great for stunning the boss and monsters. After he stuns the first unit wave, he hits the second unit in line. But only when first unit is stunned.

Bombardier Details:

Unit Type – Debuff Target – First Damage – 60 Attack Interval – 0.74 sec Stun Chance – 10% Stun Duration – 4.2 sec

Bombardier Mana Power-up Damage:

Level 2 – 80 Level 3 – 100 Level 4 – 120 Max – 140

Bombardier Mana Power-up Stun Chance:

Level 2 – 12% Level 3 – 14% Level 4 – 16% Max – 18%

Bombardier is perfectly adapted for cooperative play. If you want to keep BEDLAM from destroying your board, add this card to build the best deck in Rush Royale.


The name itself give out the introduction. Vampire bites the enemy and offer the best mana in the game. It is an another epic card that adds value in the match.

Vampire Details:

Unit Type – Support Target – First Damage – 12 Attack Interval – 1.3 sec Generate Mana – 2 Activation Interval – 4.9 sec

Vampire Mana Power-up Damage:

Level 2 – 22 Level 3 – 32 Level 4 – 43 Max – 52

Vampire Mana Power-up Generate Mana:

Level 2 – 4 Level 3 – 6 Level 4 – 8 Max – 10

If you are in arena 5 then you can use Vampire and generate up til 10 Mana.


Sharpshooter should be in your deck because of his huge damage-dealing capacity. Unlock this rare card with 1750 trophies if you are an F2P player. It is also playable in PVP and cooperative matches. Sharpshooter Details:

Unit Type – Damage Target – Max Health Damage – 100 + 10 Attack Interval – 1 sec Damage Increase – 50% + 10%

Sharpshooter Mana Power-up Damage:

Level 2 – 140 Level 3 – 180 Level 4 – 220 Max – 260

Sharpshooter Mana Power-up Damage increase:

Level 2 – 80% Level 3 – 110% Level 4 – 140% Max – 170%

When using this card, keep in mind that it only fights monsters with the highest health.

Best Rush Royale Deck For Beginners

Are you in Arena 2 or Arena 3? Then this beginner deck is ideal for you. The following card makes the best deck for lower level players.

Poisoner Archer Ice Mage Lightning Mage Fire Mage

Bottom Line

We can only help you choose the right cards to form a solid unit. It is heavily reliant on how well and accurately you use the deck. If you master it, you can continue to win trophies and progress through the game’s arenas. Was this guide useful? Then do browse our Gaming section for amazing tips, the latest news, upcoming releases, walkthroughs and much more.