Sea of Thieves Beginner’s Guide

  These are a few tips and tricks for new players as well as those returning to the game after a while.

Play The Full Tutorial On The Main Menu

Yes, tutorials can be tedious and players just want to get pirating. However, it is a good idea to stay for this tutorial as Sea of Thieves can be a little hard to grasp right away. This tutorial runs through the basics of sailing the ship as well as introduces players to the world around them. Such a situation will not occur later in the game when players will always have to be on the lookout for opponents and other threats. Trying to learn the basics on the fly would be quite difficult then. So, players should stay for the Maiden Voyage and learn all they can before they are thrown into the game.

Be on The Lookout For Treasure

Treasure is what pirates are after so players should keep an eye out for any sign of it. Treasure can be found in a lot of ways in the game. The messages in the bottles and the mermaid statues are two surefire ways to get to treasure in the game. In this Sea of Thieves Beginner’s Guide, we will tell players how they can find both these items in the game. The messages in the bottles can be found in the sand. If something glittering in the sand catches players’ eyes, they should go and investigate as chances are high they have stumbled upon a message in a bottle. In addition, players can also find mermaid statues by listening for a humming sound near the beach or on their ship. Players can knock down these statues to find the treasure.

Buy the Plunder Pass

This is a great buy for players that are a regular in Sea of Thieves. Players can unlock gold, doubloons, and a lot of other stuff with the Plunder Pass. It costs 999 Ancient Coins and can be purchased without spending actual money. It will be a bit of a grind to get to 999 Ancient Coins but the effort will definitely be worth it as the Plunder Pass speeds up the game considerably. The rewards from the Plunder Pass can generally make life easier for our plundering Pirates. ALSO READ| Sea Of Thieves: Mermaid Hideaway Vault Location

Keep Supplies Stocked

Supplies run out fast when players are exploring and adventuring in the world of Sea Of Thieves. This is why players should keep an eye on their supplies and restock frequently. It is not difficult to find supplies in the game but players should not wait until they are in a relatively deserted area to start looking for supplies. Players can raid outposts for supplies or even find them floating along in the sea.

Be Ready With The Canons

Players should be stocked up and ready for a fight at all times. This is one of the most important tips in this Sea of Thieves Beginner’s Guide. Even if players are just exploring their way in the open world, they can be attacked by other players or encounter sea monsters. Since canons can take some time to load up, players should load them up as soon as they run out. Another pirate fleet might not be far away!

Keeping Up With The Factions

Players can start making real gold when they start going on voyages set by the factions in Sea Of Thieves. There are various factions for whom players can work and get Commendations and Reputation. Each Trading Company focuses on a different type of reward varying from Treasure, Quests, Voyages, and Cosmetics. This is why players should frequent the factions and get ahead in the game faster.

Avoid The Devil’s Shroud (The Red Sea) & Beware The Kraken

Unlike other games where players just hit an invisible wall when they come to the edge of the map, Sea of Thieves has something sinister for players that wander too far. Players that reach the edge of the map in Sea of Thieves will find themselves in The Devil’s Shroud. Here, the water and sky will take on a red hue. In addition, the further players venture into the territory the more damage their ship will take. If player do not turn around in time, their ship will start to disintegrate. Eventually, they will sink and have to start again. This is not a great thing if the ship has a lot of treasure on it. So, if players venture into this place, their best option is to turn around to safer waters.

Another thing players need to look out for in the game is the Kraken. It is easy to know when a Kraken is around. Players will hear a sound que and the water around them will start to go dark. In addition, the ships movement will be halted in the dark water making retreat quite tricky. The best bet for players when they encounter a Kraken is to fight it out. While it is a difficult fight to win, the alternatives are to sink to bottom of the  sea or try for an escape. Since the ship’s speed is slowed down drastically upon the arrival of the Kraken, escape can be difficult to achieve. This concludes our Sea of Thieves Beginner’s Guide. We hope it will be helpful for players making their way to the unruly sea. If players are looking for a distinctive look for their Pirate, they should check out How To Get Curses In Sea Of Thieves?